Partner: Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
Year of Implementation: 2013-2014
In a collaboration between CRS and Etijah, a five months intensive capacity building program was delivered to 13 local NGOs. The program was customized based on the needs assessment that was done for the participating NGOs, their sizes and their community services’ focus. The NGOs selected were concerned with various youth issues in different fields like education, health, gender, disabilities rehabilitation, civic awareness, and poverty alleviation in two governorates (Cairo and El-Menia).
The program consisted of workshops and one-to-one coaching sessions and covered various topics that contributed to the development of the NGOs like Human Resources Systems, Strategic Planning, Financial Management, Proposal Writing , Fundraising & Monitoring and Evaluation Principles. Etijah also introduced the participants to its network of NGOs and donors through sharing some database information and organizing an event at Safir Hotel; that helped the NGOs exchange contacts and share knowledge and experiences.