Year of Implementation: 2015-2022


Community service is a vital component of HEI program, executed by Etijah. The main objective of this component is helping HEI students to identify the community development issues and use their skills to find applicable solutions through involvement into community service activities in their local communities where they volunteer as part of giving back to their governorates, enhance their leadership skills, and contribute to the development in Egypt at large through investing in its human capital.


This component is mainly implemented through placement of HEI students in Non-Governmental Organizations operating in various geographical areas and working on solving developmental issues in Egypt. The component also encourages the students to create their own social initiatives that fill the developmental gaps in local societies.


During 2018, HEI students have implemented more than 51,270 volunteering hours in different development sectors such as: education, childhood, health, sports, and services to people with disabilities. These volunteering hours resulted in 16 social initiatives implemented in different governorates.