Partner: Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)


Year of Implementation: 2015-2017


Reacting to climate change and changing behaviors to limit environmental damage caused by our daily acts, Etijah collaborated with GIZ on two projects to improve the environmental conditions in primary schools located in Ain Shams area.


1st Project, Sanitation: It provided better opportunities for students in 3 schools in Ain Shams district, namely Filsteen, Al Nahda Al Moaana and Mahmoud Khater. This was done through renovating water and sanitation systems in these schools by providing 3200 elementary students with better water and sanitation systems and introducing them to civic engagement and personal hygiene through raising awareness sessions.


2nd Project, School Gardens: The aim of this project was the cultivation of three schools in the same district, El Khansa’a, Mohamed Abdo and 6 October. After identifying the needs of each school through a baseline survey, Etijah held a training in the three schools to 5640 students and 360 teachers, aiming at capacity development and raising awareness on farming, climate change and environmental issues. Etijah provided the schools with wooden shades, benches, and fans for heat mitigation.