Etijah forsees Egypt as a country of equality and justice in which all marginalized communities have a chance to improve their and their future generations’ quality of life. Etijah places a great emphasis on the patterns, values and methods used to approach youth and youth serving NGOs in Egypt, besides filling the gaps in the community. It also believes that youth have been significantly marginalized in Egypt (and the Middle East) due to the lack of access to effective decision making processes and procedures. They have also been denied opportunities for education development, economic well-being, employment opportunities and applied skills trainings.
Furthermore, Etijah believes that youth must have a voice and a chance to exercise their civil rights as members and participants of their local communities in order to influence public policies and actions. They must also be granted equal access to the use of private and public resources in order to lead and implement local initiatives.
Etijah values bind the theoretical perspective and discourse of development to the real needs and problems of communities across Egypt. Etijah’s relationship with its partners (i.e organizations, donors, youth participants, members, youth workers) within the implemented projects is governed by the values of respect, integrity, freedom, equality, trust, loyalty, and cooperation. Etijah also advocates the social inclusion of disenfranchised and under-represented groups that span across the social stratification of race, gender, age and religion.