Partner: British Council


 Year of Implementation: 2013-2014

Drop of Water ‘No’tit Maya’ was designed and implemented as a social action project and directed to young Egyptians aged between 15 and 25. The goal of the initiative was to improve public awareness and health practices related to water consumption, focusing on youth volunteer’s participation in the campaign and mobilizing a network of youth not only within their governorates but also with youth from other governorates.
20 participants were trained to be the leaders of the social action project in each of the following governorates: Cairo, El-Behira, El-Sharkiyah, El- Fayoum, and Suez. Participants were able to outreach 1,500 volunteers in the aforementioned governorates and use the skills they gained throughout the trainings. They established a campaign to communicate the message to their local communities using social media. Volunteers also spread new manners using social media starting from recruiting new members in the initiatives in their communities.
By the end of the initiative, participants carried on and started establishing other initiatives to tackle problems existing in their communities through forming groups to find out solutions. Through this campaign, volunteers shared their ideas and experiences and most importantly learned the significance of Drop of Water ‘No’tit maya’, that a single drop matters and that an individual action counts, yet collective action is more effective.