Anton Samy is a very active student enrolled in Cohort 3, Faculty of Engineering at Cairo University from El-Menya. Anton was frequently seeking opportunities that would allow him to develop his personal skills and to develop his personality. During this quarter, Anton took his passion for development a step further where he decided that this quarter, he will not only develop himself but also develop individuals and communities around him. Hence, Anton created his own internal target that he was determined to reach regardless of the difficulties he might face. 

Therefore, Anton made use of his experience as a benefactor of the HEI scholarship and as a university student and decided to share that knowledge he has accumulated over the years with others who might make good use of it. To begin the quarter off, Anton approached local high school students who were preparing for the transition from high school to university and shared with them the essence of his experience. He informed them fully about available scholarship opportunities, their requirements, and application processes. In a way, that was Anton’s way of giving back to the community by allowing others similar opportunities to the ones he was fortunate to get.

Additionally, at the beginning of May, Anton tried spreading his focus on personal development to others in his governorate who wanted to develop their English language skills. Therefore, Anton did his research and prepared a list of materials that could be used to help his beneficiaries learn their desired content. He sequentially contacted teachers and tutors in the community and took their advice on the tools that he could use to best teach the prepared content and whether he may need to change any references or materials. After getting and implementing tips from the tutors, Anton gathered his interested students in Whatsapp groups where he conducted group calls as well as posted Voice recordings of him explaining the materials. 

Even though the majority of the content he provided was mostly basic, it was met by great support from his beneficiaries who have deeply desired such an opportunity to develop their English language and for no cost. The success was quickly apparent as participants started requesting additional lessons and topics to be covered and for Anton’s tools to be further developed. 

Consequently, this quarter has shown that Anton’s development would not simply stop at his own personal development as he has proven that his community’s development is intangible from his own. By contributing 24 hours of his time, Anton has impacted 25 other individuals and has given them the tools that would enable them to further their own development independently in the future.